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The Cask, Lockwood & Brainard Co.




Lucius Barnes Barbour Newton Case Brain ard


Preface ,

Prefatory Note Vital Statistics No. i Vital Statistics No. 2 First Book of Records Book of Births Index of Names . Index of Places .







523 619


This volume is a continuation of the Vital Record Series of Connecticut, the first being the records of the towns of Bolton and Vernon, published by the Connecticut Historical Society, 1909, and the second and third of the town of Norwich, published by the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Connecticut,


The Records of Woodstock have lately been repaired and entries on the margins of the leaves are missing in many places, as will be observed from the text. Where possible the missing information has been supplied from the Church Records and other sources and this has been bracketed.

The thanks of the Committee are due to the courtesy of Mr. Frank E. Barrett, of North Woodstock, the present town clerk, for his assistance in the prosecution of this task and to Miss Irene Howe Mix, of Hartford, for the careful proof-reading and indexing.


Woodstock was incorporated as a town in 1690 by Massa- chusetts, although the first settlement there was as early as April 1686, and was known as New Roxbury or Quatosett. The land was granted in 1663 by the Colony of Massachusetts to the town of Roxbury and practically all of its first settlers came from there. The leaders in its settlement were Peter Aspinwall, Thomas Bacon, Henry Bowen, Matthew Davis, John Frissell, Nathaniel Geary, Benjamin Griggs, George Griggs, Joseph Lord, John Marcy, Ebenezer Morris, Benjamin Sabin and Jonathan Smithers. Not all of these remained there, but the company was soon augmented by others from Roxbury.

Woodstock was a part of Massachusetts until May, 1749, since which time it has been under the jurisdiction of Connecticut. It comprises nearly sixty square miles, and its population from 1756 to 1910 has been as follows:































The Records of two of the Churches of Woodstock are extant and they have been printed serially in the Putnam Patriot, a weekly newspaper of Windham County.

A comprehensive history of Woodstock has been ably written by Miss Ellen Larned in her History of Windham County Con- necticut.



[Of the original volume which is herewith reproduced there is in existence and in constant use a copy, made by Elisha Child, Town Clerk of Woodstock, 1 763-1 783. This copy contains entries which do not appear in the original and their source is not known. These are printed in italics.

The original has been preserved by the Emery process and the new pagination is followed. The first leaf contains cattlemarks only and the vital records begin on page 3 and extend through page 82. The remainder of the volume contains the Town and Proprietor's Records of the South-Half of the town.]

[3] ^ Curiam's offic® Booke.

April 9: 1690 John Holmes and Hannah Newel Maryed march 26: 1691 Hannah Holmes Daughter of John Holmes

& hanah his wife Borne

April 18: 1689 Sam" Rice Son of Sam" Rice the ist fon in

the town Borne

March 28'^ 1691 Martha Rice Daughter of Sam" Rice Borne

^ feb"": 27: 1690/1 Math Davis and Margrett Corbin Maried May 30: 89 Steven Seabin fon of Benj° Seabin and Sarah his

wife Born

Novenb'': 13 89: Sarah the wife of Sam" lyon Died, ^-l^^' Decemb'" 17''': 89 John Mercy son of John Mercy and sarah

his wife borne

9^^ 6: 1686 Nath" Gary fon of Nath" Gary born feb"" 6: 8$ or. 9 Hannah Gary Davghf of Nath" Gary Borne April. 6: 91 Sarah Gary Davghf of Nath" Gary borne. March : 14 §9.: or 90 Arther humphrey Son of Arther humph-

rey Borne , c

'/Novemb'■.^Nathaniel Johnfon of Woodftock and hannah had-

ley of Branford maried :

Abigail Johnfon Davghf of Nathaniel Johnfon Borne l<r'-\' >

w Jan II : 1691/2 Jofeph ffrissel and Abigail Bartholomew Mar- ied

May 3 : 89 Jn° Hubbard Son of Jn° Hubbard & Rebacke Born aug^' 7 89 Rebecah Bacon Davghf of Tho Bacon Borne ffeb"" 2 : 91/2 Experience Bacon Davghf of Tho Bacon Borne ffeb'': 15: 91/2 Damorous Corbitt Davgh"" of Rob'^'"' Corbitt


g'^^ 23 1691 Jofeph Peak fon of Jonath Peak born

29 June 1692 John Johnfon fon of John Johnfon born

1692 aug^* 18 John Rice fon of Sam" Rice born

1692 aprill 10 Benj^ Leavins fon of Jn° & Elizabeth Levens




1692 aug^*^ 22 Eben'" Humphry fon of Arther Humphrey bor v-'Jabiz Corbin and Mary Mofs maryed ^ Capt" Standly ^ifi- \yEhenezer Morrifs and Sarah Davis ivere Married by Cap*- Sewall Sep"" i^' 1692

> 1692 9'"' John Chandler & Mary Raymond Maryed ^ Capt" A return of M'' Josiah Divight of Such Perfon.s as were married by him in Woodstock

■•■ James Corbin and Hannah Eastman April y^^ i6p/ ^'John Morfs and Hannah Williams May 10^^ 16^"/ William Coit and Sarah Chandler June p'** 1697 ""Peter Morfs and Prif cilia Carpenter Decent' 22^ i6p8 ; Peter Afpinzval and Elisabeth Leavins March 24^^ i6g8/Q •^'Edmund ChamberUn & Elifabeth Bartholonf Novem'' 21^*- 1699

-Barnes Leavens and Mary Chainberlin Novem' 21^^ i6pp ^Nathaniel Afpinwall and Abigail Bozven ivere Married by the Rev^ Nehemiah Walter Novem'' 11^^ 1698 ^Benjamin Griggs^ & Patience Griggs June 18^^ i/Oi \^Samuel Bugbee and Dorothy Carpenter of this Town were Married January 2&-^ iyoi/2

I David Bifhop and Rebecca Hubbard both of Woodstock were 'Married february 4*-^ 1701/2 Married by the Rev^ Jofiah Dzvight

Samuel Warner and Mehetabel Sabin January 2^ 1694/5 John Coit and Mehetabel Chandler June ^5^^ I'^PS ^ Benjamin Miller and Mary Johnfon Sep*-' /^"^^ ^^95 \ John Scarbrough and Mehetabel Bugbee Oct' ly^^, 1695 ■-■' John Bugbee & Abigail C orbit July 10^^ 1696

\ ] 7"'" [ 1 Jn° ffrizel fon of Joseph & Abigail frizel horn Septem' 2^ 1692

[4] An Gary Daughf of Nath" & ann Gary Born Jan"" 25 1692/3

Efter Deming Daughter of Jofeph and Mary Deming born the 13 day of april 1693.

James Mercy Son of Jn° Mercy ^ Sarah his wife born feb"": 26 1693

Grace Morris Davghf of Edw'' Morris ^ Eliz : his wife born 9'^'": 14 1692

Sarah Morris Daughf of Ebben"" Morris ^ Sarah his wife Borne 29 June 1693

Tho Corbin fon of Jabiz Corbin ^ mary his wife born June 26. 1693

Davis fon of Math Dauis ^ Margrett his wife born Aug^* 18: died: 22 1693 ' ' '

Dauid Sang"" son of Nath" Sang"" by Mary his wife born 31^' aug** 1693

* First written " Sabin."


John Chandler fon of John Chandler ^ Mary his wife born Octob^: 18 1693

Hannah Johnson Davghf of Nathan" Johnfon ^ Hannah his wife born: &" : 31 1693

David Knight Son of David Knight ^ Sarah his wife born lo'^'": 12 1693

Hannah Peak Davghf of Jonath Peak ^ Hannah his wife born: 9*"": 14 1693

Daniell Corbitt fon of Rob""' Corbit ^ Abiel his wife born Decern'" 29: 1693

Jan"" 31^' i69^^arah frifsel Davght of Joseph frifsel by Abigail his wife Borne. '

Joshua Gary fon of Nathaniel Gary ^ Ann his wife Borne Apr" 4: 1694

July 27 1694 Timothy Sabin fon of Benj^ Sabin by Sarah his wife Born

Nozf 4^^ i6p4 Rebecca Carpenter Davghf of John Carpenter by Rebecca his wife born

9'"": 2^ Ann Deming Davghf of Jofeph Deming ^ mary hif wife Born

lo'^'': II Dorcas corbin Davghf of Jabiz Corbin ^ mary his wife Born '''

Henry Bacon fon of Joseph Bacon by margret his wife Born 9*"" 20 _

Mary Morris Davghf of Ebben'" Morris ^ Sarah his wife born march 23 : 1694/5

Abigail Morris Davghf of Edw'' Morris ^ Eliz. his wife Born October 25 1694

Thomas Bacon fon of Tho Bacon By Rebecca his wife Born aprill 10'^ 1695

Jacob Holmes Son of James Holmes by Jane his Wife Born May if^ i6pj

John Holmes Son of John Holmes by Hannah his Born June 28"^ 1695

Rachel Daughter of Arthur Humphry by Rachel Hs Wife Born Jmie 4^^ i6q5

Edzvard Son of John Marcy by Sarah his Wife Born June 28^'^ i6q5

Mary Johnson Daughter of John Johnson by Margaret his Wife Born July 28^'^ 1695

Jonathan Sanger Son of Nathaniel Sanger by Mary his Wife Born Sept em'' 8^^ i6pj

Mary Perin Daughter of Samuel Perin by Mehetable his Wife Born Sept 18^^ 1695

Benjamin Warner Son of Samuel Warner by Mehetabel his Wife Born Novem^ 2(f^ i6p3


Lydia Johnson Daughter of Nathaniel Johnson by Hannah his Wife Born Decern j*^ /dpf

Sarah Knight Daughter of David Knight by Sarah his Wife Born Decern^ p"^ i6p^

Mehetabel Leavens Daughter of John and Elifabeth Leavens born Febr^ s^ ^<^95/<^

Dorcas Daughter of Jonathan Peake by Hannah his Wife Born Febr^ 2p^^ ^^95/^

Jofhna Chandler Son of John Chandler by Mary his Wife Born Febru^ p^^ ^^95l(>

Margaret Daughter of Joseph Bacon by Margaret Hs Wife born Octo'^ p'*" i68p

Elifabeth Daughter of Joseph Bacon by his Wife Margaret Born Octo'' 19^^ i6pi

Elisha Gary Son of Nathaniel Gary by Anne his Wife Born June 8^^ J6p6

Jabes Corbin Son of Jabes Corbin by Mary his Wife Born January 4^^ 1696//

Bithiah Bugbee Daughter of John Bugbee by Abiel his wife Born Sept^ / i6p6

Hezekiah Sabin son of John Sabin by Sarah his Wife Born Novem'' 5*^^ i6p2

John Sabin Son of John Sabin by Sarah his Wife Born January 28'^ i6p4/5

[5] In the 1696/7 y'' March th: i Was born anna Carpender the daughter of John Carpender by Rebeka his wife

96/7 March 22 was born Margret Morise the daughter of Ebenezer Morise by Sarah his wife.

97 Aprl 23 was born Criftofur Sitton the fon of Benjamin Sitton ^ Lidia his wife

Noah Sabin fon of John Sabin by Sarah his wife born Jana 27 1696/7

Mehetable Gary the daughter of Nathanel Gary ^ by ann his wife born July: 11: 1697

Sarah Warner the daughter of Samuel Warner by Mehetabel his wife, born September 13 1697 and deed Janu'' 22 1697/8/', "< ''

Robert C orbit Died Sept 18^ i6p5

Elifha Gary fon of Nathaniel & Anne Gary Died August SS*'^ l6p6 Jcr '. -^.K.

mehetabet Perin the daugh'" of Samuel perin by mehetabel his wife born march 29 & (ji.ed april 12 1697 /' ,■ - '-"^ *

Abigal frifel Daughter of Joseph frisel by abigal his wife born October 23 1695

Hannah frifel the daughter of Jofeph frifel by abigail his wife born octo 18-1697

Sarah Johnfon the daughter of Nathanel Johnfon by hannah his wife born December 15 1697 & deed Janua 15 1697/8 .; ^ ^


Anna dwight the daughter of M"" Jofiah D wight by mary his wife born octo 10 1697

Isaac John f on the fon of John John f on ^ Margrit his wife born Decern 23 169/

Jofeph Marcy the fon of John marcy ^ by Sarah his wife born Sep 18 1697

Mary Bacon the daughter of Jofeph Bacon by margrit his wife born September 24 1696/73^

Samuel Perin fon of Samuel Perin born in ^ by mehetable his wife march 13 1697/8

Beththiah Peake the daughter of Jonathan Peake by hannah his wife born Febua 20 1697/8

William Gary the fon of william Gary by Sufana his wife born Janua 24: 1697/8

Thankfull holmes the daughter of James holmes by hannah ^ his wife born September 11 1690

James holmes the Son of James holmes by hannah ^ his wife born may 14 1692

Thomas Holmes the Son of James holmes by hannah ^ his wife born may 4 1698

[6] Elezer Sanger the fon of Nathanel Sanger by mary his wife born march 6 1697/8

Sarah taylor the daughter of Samuel taylor by mary his wife born April 8 1698

William Chandler fon of John Chandler by Mary his wife born Novemb"" 3:1698

Penuel Deming the fon of Jofeph Deming by mary his wife born Jully 11 : 1696

Ann Umphry the daughter of Aurthur Umphry by Reachel his wife born July the 3 : 1698

John Dwight the Son of m"" Jofiah Dwight by mary his wife born Nouember the: 7: 1698

Ebennezer holmnes the fon of John holmnes by hannah his wife born febrery 13 1695/6.

John Corbin the fon of Jabez Corbin ^ by mary his wife born II day of December 1698

Clemment Corbin the fon of James Corbin by hannah his wife born febrery 17 1698

Nathaniel Jonfon Se"" deceafed febuary 14 1698/9 in woodf^ •^''"^

Rebackah miller the daughter of Beniamin miller by mary his wife born Decembr 5 1698

Mary deming the daughter of Jofeph Deming by mary his wife born Jenuery 2 1698/9

Nathanael Jonfon the fon of Nathanael John fon ^ by han- nah his wife born January 23 1698/9

1 Date overwritten to read " Nouember 24 1696."

2 Overwritten to read " Joana."


Mehetabel vvamner the daughter of Samuel warnner by Mehetbl his wife born December 22 1698

Marg-ret holmes the daughter of John holmes by hannah his wife born march 16: 1698/9

Ebennezer Morris the fon of Ebennezer Morris by farah his wife born febuary 26 1698/9

Mary Gary the daughter of Nathanael Gary by ann his wife born July: 20: 1699

Rebeckah Scarbrough the daughter of John Scarbrough by Abigail his wife born may 7 : 1699 :

Mehetabel Afpinwall the daughter of Nathanael Afpinwall by Abigail his wife born September 7. 99

Benjamin Bugbe the fon of John bugbe by Abiah his wife born September 3 99

John bugbe the Son o Jofeph bugbe by mehetable his wife born Aug ft 11 99

[7] Sufanna Lion the Daughter of John lion by Elifabeth his wife born Sept 29-99

Ifaac bartholomew the son of Isaac barthalomew born Nouem- ber 18 99

Mary Chandler daughter of John Chandler ^ Mary his wife born Apr" 20^^ 1700

Jofeph fifrifel the fon of Jofeph ffrifel by Abigail his wife born October 3 1699

Abraham Perin the Son of Samuel Perin by mehetabel his wife born march 21 1700

Rachel holmes the Daught of James holmes by Jayen his wife bom march 24 1699-700

Mary Corbin the Daughter of James Corbin by hannah his wife born february 5 1699-700

John Mors the fon of Peter mors by prifcillah his. wife bom December 29 1699

Abigail Peak born 7 april 1700 the Daughter of Jonathan Peak by hannah his- wife

Benjamin Marcy the Son of John marcy by Sarah his wife born march y^ i 1699-700

Anna marcy the daughter of John marcy by Sarah his wife born October the feuenth 1687 in Roxbury

Jofeph Bacon the fon of Jofeph Bacon by margret his wife bourn the 29 day of Augft 1700

Elifabeth Taylor the daughter of Samuel Taylor by Mary his wife bourn the 4 day Augft 1700

margret dauis the daughter of Mathew dauis by margret his wife born 7 day of febuary 1699

William Lion the Son of william Lion by debraah his wife born 26 of octob' 1700


Edmund Chamberlin the fon of Edmund Chamberlin by Elifa- beth his wife born Auguft 23 1700

Edward John fon the fon of John John fon by margret his wife born Sept 6. i7cmd

Jofeph Corbin the fon of Jabez Corbin by mary his wife born December 14: 1700 & died 20 day of December i/oo i^\ lui*^

[8] Nathanael Child the fon of John Child by Elifebath his wife born September 3, 1699

Samuel Child the fon of John Child by Elifabeth his wife born September 25, 1700 died Same week , . > - -

Hannah Leauens the daughter of James Leauens by mary his wife born Nouem'b 18 1700

Samuel Warnner the son of Samuel Warnner hy Mehetabel his wife born febuery 19: 1700/1

Phebe Richard fon the daughter of Zacharyah Richard by Mehetable his wife born febua 21: 1700: i

Rachel Gary the daughter of Nathanaell Gary by anne his wife born march 16 1 700/1

Mehetable umphery the daughter of arthur umphery by Rachel his wife born 22 day of Augft 1700

Mary mors the daughter of Peter mors by prifcila his wife born may 3. 1701

Sarah John fon the Daughter of Smith John fon by Sarah his wife born Auguft 17 died Auguft 31 i7o[' " ] ^'v

mary frifel the daugter of Jofeph frifel by Abigail his wife born July 8: 1701

Jofeph Miller of middletown and Rebekah Johnfon of this town Married Nouember 28 1701 married by m'" Jofiah Dwight

Jofeph Morris the fon of Ebennezer Morris by Sarah his wife born Nouembe"" 6: 1701

Samuel Child the fon of John Child by Elifabeth his wife bom January 27. 170 1/2

James Corbin the fon of James Corbin by hannah his wife born febu 24 I 70 1/2

Elisabeth Chamberlin the daughter of Edmund Chamberlin by Elifabeth his wife born march 6. 1701/2

Abigail Holmes the daughter of James holmes by Jane his wife born febu 23 170 1/2

[9] Abigail Afpinwall the daughter of Nathaniell Afpinwall by Abigail his wife: born octo 5. 1701.

John perrin the son of Samuel perrin by Mehetabel his wife born march 18: 1701/2

John Bugbe the fon of John Bugbe hy Abiah his wife born March 3. 1 701/2:

Sufana morris the daughter of Edward morris by Elifabeth his wife born Augft 17 1698


Prudenc their next child born aug^*^ 9"^ 1702

EHfabeth Chandler the daughter of John Chandler by mary his wife born may 13 : 1702

Daniel Lyon the fon of william Lyon by Dabroah his wife born June 6: 1702

Nathaniel John fon the fon of Smith John fon by Sarah his wife born July 22. 1702

Rebeka Bartholomew the daughter of Isaac Bartholomew by Rebeckah his wife born Apri 8. 1702

Jofeph Grigs the fon of Benjamin Grigs by patience his wife born Sept 8:1702

Mofes Marcy the fon of John Marcy by Sarah his wife born April 18. 1702

the fame day Sarah peak the daughter of Jonathan Peak by hannah his wife Born.

Jofeph Deming the fon of Jofeph Deming by mary hif wife born July 30 1702

EHfabeth holmes the daughter of John holmes by Hannah his wife born December 18. 1702

V Novemb 10 1702 was John Goodall and Lydi titus marriaged by M-" dwight

v/ 1702/3 January 21 Chriftopher JEeak & mary Stratton was /married. Janua 28 was John Bartholomew and EHfabeth morris "^ married by m'" Dwight

j March 26: 1703 was Jofeph Shaw of Stonington and Sufanna ^Grofuenor of Mafhamoquet married by m"" Jofiah Dwight

Beniamin Lyon the fon of John Lyon by EHfabeth his wife born may 29 1701

EHfabeth Lyon the daught of John lyon by EHfabeth his wife born July 22: 1703

[10] Jofeph Corbin the fon of Jabez Corbin by mary his wife born March 17: 1701/2

Prifcilah Morfe the daughter of Peter morfe by prifcila his wife born September 23. 1702

John Scarbrough the fon of John Scarbrough by abigail his wife born January the fourth 1702/3

Benjamin Sabin the Son of Benjamin Sabin of mafhamoquet: by Elizabeth Tiis wife born June 12. 1702

John Umphre the Son of Arthur umphre by Rachel his wife born April 15. 1702

Rebeka Bugbe the daughter of Samuell Bugbe by Dorothy his wife born January 25-1702/3

Thomas Lyon the fon of Thomas Lyon by Abigail his wife born april 9. 1703

Anna Johnfon the daughter of John Johnfon by margret his wife born april 14: 1703


Benjamin frifel the fon of Jofeph frifel by Abigail his wife born febeuary 19. 1702/3

Ifabel Taylor the daughter of Samuell ^ Taylor by mary his wife born June 25. 1702

Joseph Bugbe the fon of Jofeph Bugbe by Mehetabel his wife born June 7. 1703

April 15. 1703 John Chandler Se"" Dec of the Church of wood- stock died »-'.,.

July 19, 1703 was born fufanna Warnner the daughter of Samuel warnner by mehetable his wife of mafhamoquet

Eduiund Chamber lin son of Edmund and Elifabeth Chamber- Ian born March 6^^ 1/01/2

Ebennezer Lyon the fon of William Lyon by debo: his wife born Auguft 13. 1703

Christopher Peak the Son of Chriftopher Peak by mary his wife born Nouember i. 1703

[11] Benjamin Bacon the fon of Jofeph Bacon by margret his wife born Nouember 26. 1703 died ap"" 22 1704. ^)i( ' r»»^t

Samuell Chandler the fon of John Chandler by mary his wife born January 5-1703/4

Smith Johnfon the Son of Smith Johnfon by Sarah his wife born Deem"" 26: 1703

Sarah Sabin the daughter of Benjamin Sabin by Elifabeth his wife born December 24 1703.

Sam Marcy fon of John Marcy by farah his wife born July 28: 1704.

Ebenezer Sabin Son of Ebenezer Sabin by fufanna his wife born Aug^' y^ S^^ 1696

Joseph Sabin fon of Ebenezer Sabin by Sufanna his wife born June 23 : 1701

Sufannah Sabin Daughter of Ebenezer Sabin by Sufanna his wife born Apr" 5^*^ 1704 and may the 26 1706 was born their next Child Jofhaua Sabin

Seth lyon fone of Thomas lyon by Abigail his wife born March the 27'^ 1704.

Rebecca Carpenter the wife of John Carpenter Deceafed y^ 29 of December 1702. n^' f Elizabeth Holmes Daughf of John Holmes by Hannah his '^ wife Decemb"" 18 1702 was born, and recorded before in this book,

James Frizell fone of James Fizell by Mary his wife Apr" 15*^: 1704 was born.

Jacob Child the fone of John Child by Elizabeth his wife born Aprill y^ 25'^ 1703.

Elizabeth Bartholomew wife of John Bartholomew Deceafed March y^ 31 : 1704 4^ :^i<> - ^

3 First written "James."


Elizabeth Afpinwall daughf of Nathan" Afpinwal by Abigail his wife born March y^ 12^'' 1703/4.

[12] Dorcafs Corbin daughter to James Corbin by Hannah his wife born March, y^ 3: 1703/4.

William Chamberlin fone of Edmund Chamberlin by Elizabeth his wife, born feb'' 23 1703/4.

Margret Johnfon Daughter of John Johnfon by Margret his wife born in Roxbury and recorded there. 27'^^ of Decemb"" 1689.

Benj^ Corbin fone of Jabez Corbin by Mary his wife born the 23 of March 1703/4

Nathan" Perrin Son of Sam" and Mehetable Perrin born 8''' of May 1704

Jofeph ffrifselle Deceafed may 13''' 1704 /J^-- ' '^ ';'•?> '^ " "

Joshua Morris fon of Eb^ Morris by Sarah his wife born 7'"': 5th j-,Q2 died 9'''": 2: 1703 /i/'r >.«.-'

Nathan" Eaton fon of Thomas Eaton by Lydia his wife born June y^: S''': 1704

Joseph Bugbee fone of Joseph Bugbee by Mehetable his wife deceafed June y^ 16'** 1704,1 :

Tabitha Humfrey daughter of Arther Humfrey by Rachell his wife born June 16"^: 1704.

Rebecca Morf daughter of Peter Mors by pricilla his wife born y^ 26 of July 1704.

Mary Carpenter daughter of Eliphalet Carpenter by Rebecca his wife born May the 19*'': 1704. I Octob"" 4^^^ 1704. Thomas Fling Late refident at Providence ' and Mary Evens near Woodstock Intend Mariage.

Ruth Taylor daughter of Sam' Taylor by Mary his wife born September 15*'' 1704.

Flint Dwight fone of m"" Josiah and m" Mary Dwight, born the 17'^ day of July 1704.

John Goodell fone of John Goodell by Lidia his wife born the 25*'' day of November 1704.

Katharine Peak daughf of Jonathan Peak ^ Hannah his wife born aug^'. 29''': 1704:

Jabez lyon fone of William lyon by Deborah his wife born March 7'^ 1704.5 the f'^ William lyon and his wife Deborah Daughter to John Colborn giaried by m"" Joseph Belcher of Ded- ham Novmber 8*'' 1699.

[13] Ebenezer flFrifsel sone of Joseph ffrizell Deceased by ,^ ^ Abigail his wife* born Jan"" firft 1704.5 djjid 9'"": : 1706 4f''^^^

Elizabeth Gary Daughter of Nathan" Gary by Ann his wife born apr' the 8'** 1703 in Mashamoquet

jemima Garv Daughter of Nathan" Gary by ann his wife born March the 20*^ 1705 in Mashamoquet

< Overwritten to rend "widow."


Sarah Johnfon Daughf of Smith John f on by Sarah his Wife born 6'*" June 6*'' 1705.

Benj^ Grigs fon of Benj^ Grigs ^ Patience his wife bom feb"" 6 1704/5

Sarah Warner Daughter of Sam" Warner by Mehetable his wife born July 22: 1705.

Sarah Deming Daughter of Joseph Deming by Mary his wife born July 8^^ 1705

Phebe Holmes Daughf of James Holmes ^ Jane his wife born 7'^'" y^^: 1705

Abigail lyon Daughf of John lyon by Elizabeth his wife Born Aug^' the fir ft 1705 j Dan" Allen of Mashamoquet Entered his purpofs of Mariage w*^ Hannah Davis of Roxb'' 7'''" 11^^: 1705.

Zach"" Richardson son of Zach"" Richard fon by Mehetabel his wife march the 30. 1705.

Sufannah Bugbee daughter of John Bugbe by abiell his wife t>orn apr" 11*'' 1705

John Trufdel fon of Richard Trusdel by Mary his wife born

Abigail Scarbrough daughter of John Scarbrough by Abigail his wife born may y^^ 1705

Joshua Morris fon of Eben'" Morris by Sarah his wife born Octob'" the 7^^ 1704.

Sam" Bugbee fon of Sam" Bugbee by Dorathy his wife born March 22 1704.5 1 John Blake of Middleton and Elizabeth John fon of Wood- I ftock Entered Their purpofs of Mariage 7^^: 19"^ 1705

Experience lyon Daughf of Abiel lyon by Judith his wife bom

gbr jjth jyQ^

Sam^i Marcy -fon of Jn° Marcy %^ Sarah his wife born 8**^: •20.: 1704 C^,. /' -I .

[14] Ebenezer Bugbe fon of Joseph Bugbe by Mehetabel his wife born 20 June 1701, ^ed June 21 lypijy--

Elizabeth Chandler Late wife to Deacon Chandler of Wood- stock deceaced at New London 7^'': 23: 1705. /fp:.- ;

Elisha Sabin Son of Benj^ Sabin by Elizabeth his wife born att Mashamoquet may 16 1705

Josiah Child son of John Child By Elifabeth his wife Born Octob'": 11: 1705 died octo"" 1705: : - .

Sarah Chandler daughf of John Chandler by Mary his wife born Octob'' 11*^ 1705 "

Ebenezer Corbin Son of Jabez Corbin by Mary his wife was born April. 15 : 1706

i/Jonathan Eaton Entered his Intention of Mariage w*'' Lydiah Starr of dedham novemV 30"* : 1705.


/ Thomas Brown of Canterbury Entered his purpofs of Mar- iage w''^ Rachel leavens of the Parifh of Woodstock lo*"": 26"*


Peter Mors fone of Peter Mors by Pricilla His wife born feb'

13 1705.6

Gold lyon ion of Thomas Lyon by Abigail his wife born feb*" I4'-'': 1705.6

Samuel Mafcraft fon of Sam" Mafcraft by Mehetabel his wife born Jan'' 16'": 1705/6

Rachel Leavens daughter of Peter Leavens by Patience his wife born december the 4*^^ 1705. Rachel leavens la ft written by mi f tack Efther her name.

Mary Peak daughter of Chriftopher Peak by Mary his wife born 5 day of Aprill. 1706.

Hannah Corbin Daughf of James Corbin by Hannah his wife Born March 24***: 1705/6

Experience Holmes Daughf of John Holmes by Hannah his wife Born June y^ 8'^: 1706

Henry Taylor fon of Sam". Taylor by Mary his wife born 30"" June. 1706

Patience Parker Daughter of Jacob Parker by Thankfull his wife born June 25^'': 1706

Joseph Cham'berlin fon of Edmund Chamberlin by Elizabeth his wife born July 22 1706.

Hannah Bacon daughter of Thomas Bacon by Rebecca his wife born December 4'^: 1706.

Peter Perin Son of Sam" Perin by mehetabel his wife born

yhX ; 22 : I 706

Abiel lyon fon of Abiel lyon by Judith his wife born y^^ 6^^ 1706

Mehetabel Bugbee daughf of Joseph Bugbee by Mehetabel his wife born June 9"^ 1706

David Eaton fon of Thomas Eaton ^ Lydia his wife born July 21 : 1706

[15] Aaron Lyon fon of W" Lyon by Deborah his wife born Jan'' 11''': 1706/7

Elizabeth Morris Daughf" of Ebenez"" Morris by Sarah his wife born lo^'": 25: 1706

X' Woodftock Jan'' 31 : 1706/7. Nath" Sefsions of Mafhamoquet & Joanna Corbin of Woodstock Intend Mariage. r' ^'

Peter Afpinwall the Son of Nathaniel Afpinwall by Abigail his wife born Feb"" 16-1706/7

Dorothy John fon the daughter of Smith John fon by Sarah his wife born March 22. 1706/7

Mehetabel John fon the daughter of John John fon by Margret his wife born March 13 1706/7 and dide may y* 3. 1707 h \- ^ ''"'

^'-n J- -^^ ^H,t/»t^ < H^,^ PeMU ^u^ no' A<g.'. </^'



Rebacka Carpenter the daughter of Eliphelet Carpenter by Rebacka his wife born may 3. 1707:

•^Phillip Eaftman Entre'^ hif purpofs of marriage with Sarah Parker both of this town march: 22: 1706/7

Naomi Gary the Daughf of Nathaniel Gary (of mafhamoquet) by Ann his wife born april: 29: 1707

Solomon Grigs the Son of Beniamin Grigs by Patience his wife born. May. 30: 1707.

Mehetabel warnner the wife of Samuel warnner died July 12 1707 in the 30 year of her Eage v

Sarah Marcy the daughter of John Marcy by Sarah his wife born febu 18. 1706/7

Abigail Lyon the daughter of Thomas Lyon by abigail his wife born Nouember 12. 1707

Peter Leavens Son of Peter Leavens by Patience his wife born Nouember 17. 1707

Richard Trufdell Dyed adjacent to Woodstock October 24*''. 1707- 'H'' ''

I Decemb"" 22. 1707 Jofeph Leauens Entred his purpofe of mar- riage with Judith Sabin they both living near this town. ■^ Dec 26. 1707 Jofiah Bugbe of this town Entred his purpofe of Marriage with Sarah Hubbard of Mafhamoquet. The fame day Ebenezer Grofuernor of Mafhamoquet Entred his purpofe of Marriage with Anne Mercy of this town.

Matthew Dauis the fon of Matthew Dauis by Margreat his wife born October 14. 1706

John Peak the fon of Chriftopher Peake by Mary his wife born December 14: 1707.

Jofeph Morfe the fon of Peter Morfe by Priffila his wife born October. 14. 1707

Lydia Eaton the daughf of Jonathan Eaton by lydia his wife born Nove y^ 5[f"' ]

[16] Mehetabel Chandler Daughter of John Chandler by Mary his wife born Aug^*^: 10*^ : 1707

Philip Corbin fon of James Corbin by Hannah his wife bom January ^^^•. 1707: 8

Mary Eaftman Daughter of Phillip Eaftman by Sarah his wife born february 13^^: 1707.8

Sarah Holmes Daughter of James Holmes ^ Jean his wife born february the 27*'' 1707.8.

Mehetabel Bacon daughter of Joseph Bacon ^ Margret his wife Born May 26^'' 1706.

Eliphalet Corbin fon of Jabez Corbin ^ Mary his wife born Apr'i 26^^: 1708.

Isaac Holmes fon of John Holmes ^ Hannah his wife born Apr" 2^]: 1708


Dorothy Bugbee daughter of Samuel Bugbee ^ Dorothy his wife born Apr" 30"* : 1708

V- Apr" 24'*^ 1708 Joseph Chandler of Mafhamoquet and Susanna Perrin of Roxb'" Enter their purpofs of Mariage

Joshua lyon fon of John Lyon by Elifebeth his wife born June 22:1707

Mehetabel Mafcraft daughter of Samuel Mafcraft by Mehetabel his wife born June the 3: 1708

Mary Scarbrough Daughter of John Scarbrough ^ Abigail his wife born July 25^^ : 1708.

M€hetabel Johnfon Daughter of John John fon by Margret his wife born [ ] -^ ' '^ ' "

^, ^br ^^fi 1708 Jonathan Bugbee of woodftock Entered his pur- pofs of Mariage w* Bethyah Lyon of Rehoboth.

Susanna Johnfon Daughter of fmith Johnfon by Sarah his wife born 8'*'" 2 : 1/08.

Mehetable Johnfon daughter of John Johnfon by Margret his wife born the 6 day of Septemb' 1708 Dyed Jan'' 29 following i^^' ^'***

Margret Lyon daughter of William Lyon by Deborah his wife born November 19 1708

Elizabeth Child Daughter of Jn° Child ^ Elizabeth his wife born the lo*^"^ day of September 1708

Thomas Ainfworth fon of Edw*^ Ainfworth by Johannah his wife born April 15*^''. 1708

[17] Elizabeth Davis Daughter of Matthew Davis ^ Margrett his wife born 9^"" 13'*". 1708 Dyed December fir ft following

Joanna Daughter of Matthew and Margaret Davis born at Roxhury Octo"" 22^ i6p6

Josiah Bugbee fon of Josiah Bugbee by Sarah his wife Born December 23: 1708.

Jan"": 18''': 1708.9 Samuel Pain & Abigail Frifsell Intend Mar- riage, they both belong to Woodstock

Sarah Gary daughter of William Gary by Sufanna his wife born January the 12'^'' 1 700/1

John their next fon born December 15 : 1702

Joseph their next fon born March 7^^: 1703/4

Sufanna their next daughter born may 23: 1705

Elizabeth their Next Daughter born December 31 : 1708

Peter Chamberlin fon of Edw*^ Chamberlin by Eliz: his wife born Jan'" 15. 1708.9 - o-v- ,

Eliphalet Carpenter fon of Eliphalet Carpenter by Rebeacca his wife fel/ 21 : 1708.9.

Rebecca Gary Daughter of Nathan" Gary by Anne his wife born in mashamoquet March 3: 1708.9



Ebenezer Marcy fon of John Marcy by Sarah his wife born June 6*^^ 1709

Anthony Morfe son of Peter Morfe by Pricilla his wife born June 10'^ 1709.

Thomas Chandler fon of John Chandler by Mary his wife born July 23: 1709: 5=-^.^ 7?

Stephen Turner Slain the^Same^ay w'^ Lightning r-^\^"^

Mary Warner Daughter of Samuel Warner of Mashamoquet by Mary his wife born July 4'^'' 1709

Mehetabel Grigs Daughter of Benjamin Grigs by Patience his wife born July y^^ 1709.

Ephraim Peak fon of Jonathan Peak by Hannah his Wife born May the Ninth 1709.

Joshua Eaton fon of Thomas Eaton by Lydiah his wife born September the twenty third 1709.

Marcy Drefser Daughter of Richard Drefser by Marcy his wife borne the sevententh day of Aprill 1709

Nathan" Afpinwall fon of Nathan" Afpinwall by Abigail his wife Born September the y^^ 1709.

[18] John Maf craft fon of famuel Mafcraft by Mehetable his wife born march the fir ft 1709.10.

Elizabeth Davis daughter of Matthew Davis by Margrett his wife born March the 26''' 17 10

Mary Bugbee daughter of John Bugbee by Abiell his wife born Aprill 20*'' 1710

Robart Corbin fon of Jabez Corbin by Mary his wife Born May 24 1710

Mehetabel Perin Daughter of Sam" Perrin By Mehetabel his wife Born June 3: 1710.

Martha Johnfon Daughter of Smith Johnfon by Sarah his wife Born June 3: 1710.

Jonathan Lyon fon of Abiel Lyon by Judith his wife Born in Mashamoquet September 28'** 1709.

Mary Peak Daughter of Chriftopher Peak by Mary his wife Born June i^': 1710

Samuel .Scarbrough Son of John Scarbrough by Abigail his wife born the 28''' day of Aug^*^ 1710.

Elizabeth Deming daughter of Joseph Deming by Mary his wife born feptember lo*^^ 1710.

Edward Bugbee fon of Josiah Bugbeee by Sarah his wife born October 6'^'' 17 10

Keziah Eaton Daughter of Jonathan Eaton by Lydia his wife born May 24"" 1710

Unice Bacon Daughter of Joseph Bacon by Margret his wife born October 1$^^' 1710.

Stephen Corbin Son of James Corbin by Hannah his wife born aug^' 5*^ 1 7 10


Jacob Drefser fon of Richard Drefser by Marcey his wife born November 14'^ 17 10.

Anna Bugbee daughter of Sam" Bugbee by Dorothy his wife born decemb"" 23 : 1 709

Noah lyon fon of Thomas Lyon by Abigail his wife born De- cember 2ff^ 1 710.

[19] Moses Lyon fon of William lyon by Deborah his wife born Jan'" 4"^ 1710/11. Dyed- May 6^^ 1712 ' ,' >' -''

John Payfon fon of Johnathan Payfon by Mary his wife born Jan"" 6"" 1710/11.

Elizabeth Pain Daughter of Sam" Pain by Ruth his wife born Aug^* ^th j^jo in Mashamoquet.

Joseph Chandler fon of Joseph Chandler ^ Susanna his wife born June 16^^ 1710 in Ditto

Mehetable Morris daughter of Eben"" Morris by Sarah his wife born December the twenty third : one thoufand feven hun- dred & nine 1709 not recorded in feafon

Lydia Morfe Daughter of Peter Morfe by pricilla his wife born feb"" the firft 1710/1 1 ^

The fame day Mary mafon wife of Robart Mafon DyedA^'

Elizabeth lyon daughter of Joseph Lyon by Elizabeth his wife born feb"" 25'^'' 1 710. 11

Jefse Bugbee fon of Sam" Bugbee by Dorothy his wife bom March 10*^ 1710.11

Jonathan Bugbee fon of Jonathan Bugbee by Bethya his wife borne Jan'' 24'^^ 1710.11

Hannah Chandler Daughter of John Chandler by Mary his wife born March 27''' 171 1

Mary Chandler the Wife of John Chandler Dyed Apr" 8**"

171 1 l^\:xi Atifs'^ t\

Hannah Chandler Daughter of John Chandler by Mary his wife Dyed May the 23: 1711. r^:_ > '^'^

Eph"" Child fon of Eph"" Child by Pricilla his wife born June

Elizabeth Marcy daughter of John Marcy by Sarah his wife born November the 8th 171 1

Samuel Hemenway fon of Sam" Hemenway by Hannah his wife born November the 14: 171 1

/^John Chandler and Esther Alcock were Maried by m' Nehemiah Walter November 14*'' 171 1 in Roxbury

Samuel Humfrey Son of Arthur Humfrey by Rachel his wife born October 17*'' 171 1

Dorcafs Carpenter Daughter of Eliphalet Carpenter by Rebecca his wife born Aprill the fourteenth 1711

Hannah Child Daughter of John Child by Elizabeth his wife born November 12'** 1709



Abigail Child Daughter of John Child by Eliz^ his wife born May ly^^ 171 1

[20] Anna: Morris Daughter of Ebenezer Morris by Sarah his wife Born December 18'^ 171 1

Stephen Chapman fon of W™ Chapman by Anne his wife born October 28''' 171 1 in Afhford

Thomas Trufdel fon of Eben'' Trufdel & Rachel his wife born November the firft 171 1 I Leicefter Grofvenor and Mary Hubbard both of Mafhamoquet ' and Parifh of Woodstock were Maried in Woodstock by John Chandler Justice of Peace: Jan'" 16'^ 171 1: 12.

Hannah Griggs Daughter of Benj^ Griggs by Patience his wife born November ii'^'^ 171 1

Philip Eaftman fon of Phillip Eaftman by Sarah his wife born January 13*'' 171 1 :i2

John Warner son of Sam" Warner by Mary his wife born August fourth 171 1

v'John May of Woodstock and Elizabeth Child of Brookline were Maryed by the Rev'"'^ Nehemiah Walter Decemb"" 18"" 171 1.

Sarah Rice late of Malborow Widdow Dyed Jan'" 24*'' 1711 : 12 t.\^

Serj* Samuel Rice of Woodstock dyed Septemb"" 2: 1711'..

John Chamberlin fon of Edmund Chamberlin by Elizabeth his wife born May 11 : 1712

Martha & Mary Child Daughters of John Child by Eliz his wife born June 10*'' 171 2 Mary Dyed the fame day & Martha 20*'' next. /-iv,^.. ■(.'-■ ^1 '., / u „.

Anne Eaton Daughter of Thomas Eaton and Lydia his wife born May 31 : 171 2

Sarah Bugbee daughter of Josiah Bugbee and Sarah his wife born March