"Seventh Issue”
October, 1982
Volume II Number 4
Editor Michael S. Turrini
Mailing Address
PO Box 4104 Vallejo, California 94590-0410
cist. aes « «) ET eSLOSnE First Vice-President
Stuart Denton . * « e Second Vice-President
Denis M. Hooker . Bill Morgan... Edward Sins... Elmer Benson .. Lillian M. Hooker
SP an wee. eS peasuren cite 0m « -e.. Se BOOTetary » «© « « Past. President
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PCNS' First Lady
Maxine Bryce passed away last July 9th. A long-time figure in the Pacific Coast Numismatic Society, she had served as a PCNS officer a phenomenal twenty years. Also, Miss Bryce had been active in the Cal- ifornia State Numismatic Association (CSNA) and NCNA, serving as PCNS' NCNA Board of Directors representative.
Miss Bryce bestow upon me an honor that I will long remember. In May, 1981, while I was waiting in the Jack Tar Hotel lobby for the NCNA Board of Directors Meeting to begin, Miss Bryce arrived, and we began talking. She told me that she thought the First Edition (April, 1981) of NCNA Heads and Tales was great, so great that she asked me to auto- graph her copy, saying, as I signed, that this First Edition would be
someday a collector's item.
That gesture will remain with me always, and as Larry Reppeteau wrote in the July Issue of the PCNS Bulletin: "Her memory will linger in our hearts for years to come”.
Mr. Odd and Curious
Walter G. Gerth passed away last July 17th. A long-time figure in northern California numismatics with his world famous Odd and Curious Money Exhibit, he was a member of CSNA, Redwood Empire Coin Club, Val- lejo Numismatic Society, and Pacific Coast Numismatic Society.
Over the years, Mr. Gerth was invited to exhibit his extensive collec- tion at coin shows from Fresno to Santa Rosa. His exhibit will be sorely missed throughout northern California coin shows.
I wrote as a memorial to him in the VNSt September Bulletin: ™... we are enriched with his inheritance to all in our hobby of three de- cades of numismatic research and dedication".
Enclosed with this Seventh Issue is an article written Stephen Huston,
member of Pacific Coast Numismatic Society and a professional numis-
matist, which was originally printed in the March, 1981 PCNS Bulletin
ang later in the San Francisco Coin Club's February, 1982 Two Cents orth.
The article speaks for itself, and please give it some serious thought. This Editor thanks Mr. Huston for allowing NCNA Heads and Tales to re- print his provocative article.
THE MINTMASTER'S QUILL: An Editor's Prerogative
My Friends:
Another Issue of NCNA Heads and Tales is out, and when this Issue arrives the recent 1982 NCONA Show and Convention will be history. This yearts Show and Convention had Ron Gillio of Pacific Auction Galleries hold an extensive three session 1500 plus lot Auction. NCNA thanks Mr. Gillio and his firm for their support and addition to our annual Show and Convention.
Proceeding to another subject and a very important one with me is that some individuals refer to this periodical simply as 'Heads and Tales'. I object to this, because the official and correct name is 'NCNA Heads and Tales’. Please use it.
How was this name chosen? Back in early 1981 before the First Edition came out in April of that year, I began thinking about a name and toyed with a few ideas. Others in NCNA had some ideas too. I felt the name should be coin related, simple, and easy to remember plus, most importantly, some name that I could agree to and live with.
At that time I had some books borrowed from the California State Numismatic Association (CSNA) Library for research for my entry in the 1981 Pacific Coast Numismatic Society Papers Contest. One booklet from the Royal Canadian Mint, issued in 1967 as part of the Canadian Cen- tennial celebrations, was titled ‘Heads and Tales’.
I liked the sound of that name and borrowed it, adding the prefix of 'NCNA' to get the coin related, simple, and easy to remember 'NCNA
Heads and Tales'. The NCNA Board of Directors agreed, and that is how
the name came about.
As for the column or article headings of ‘Branch Mint Reports’, "Proof Strikes', 'Mint Directors Pronouncements', et cetera, these came about because I wanted to continue the coin related idea, and using my model railroading affiliations and periodicals in which names and headings are railroad orientated, as 'Call Board', 'Branch Line', "Engineer's Cab', 'Club Car', et cetera, I thought of the headings now used in NCNA Heads and Tales.
As the years go by and others become involved in this periodical, these headings may be changed. But, I would like the title NCNA Heads
and Tales to remain. I hope its readers agree.
As for format and layout, let us just say at the present time that NCNA Heads and Tales is limited not so much because of funds but to
the poor ability of its Editor at the keyboard of his Underwood 'Gold-
en Touch! upright typewriter.
I took typing as a ninth grader, a high school Freshman, at my old junior high school, Vallejo Junior High School, and then as today,
Continued Back Page
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Jack Tar Hotel
The Jack Tar Hotel is no more. It has been renamed the "Cathedral Hill Hotel” effective last August lst. The location remains unchanged: corner of Van Ness and Geary, San Francisco.
This Editor is sure that most will still know and refer to the newly named ‘Cathedral Hill Hotel’ as the ‘Jack Tar Hotel’.
NCNA Coin Show Schedule
The latest issue of the 'Coin Show Schedule', a regular NCNA service, is enclosed with this Issue.
Again, this Editor reminds northern California coin clubs desiring to be listed are invited and encouraged to send in their coin show details to: "EDWARD SINS, NCNA Treasurer, PO Box 5075, San Juse CA 95150".
Regretfully, two er three coin shows are not listed as. information failed to arrive in time. It is imperative tnat coin clubs report their coin show details, including full addresses with Zip Code, six months to a year in advance. In addition, please send coin show information
to NCNA Heads and Tales to be included in the ‘Branch Mint Reports’.
Mr. Sins hopes to have a 'Coin Show Schedule’ printed and distributed about three times per calendar year. Coin clubs wishing copies of the Schedule, should write directly to Mr. Sins at the above address.
NCNA Board of Directors Meeting
The last 1982 quarterly Board of Directors Meeting will be on Novem- ber 28, 1982 at the Cathedral Hill Hotel, Geary and Van Ness, San Fran- cisco beginning at 1:30PM. Check at the Hotel's Registration Desk for room location.
Under NCNA By-Laws Article IV, particularly Sections 4.01 thru 4.04, NCNA member clubs may select and send one representative to act and to serve with one vote as a Director.
This opportunity is presently being utilized at various NCNA Board of Directors Meetings by these coin clubs: Pacific Coast Numismatic Society, Napa Valley Coin Club, San Francisco Coin Club, San Jose Coin Club, Diablo Numismatic Soceity, Liberty Numismatic Society, Peninsula Coin Club, and Vallejo Numismatic Society.
NCNA strongly invites and welcomes other northern California coin clubs to participate. The only requirements are that both the coin club and its representative be NCNA members. &
NCNA Membership
& Enclosed with this Issue is one newly redesigned Application For Mem- bership card. NCNA Members are asked to pass this card to a fellow coin hobbyist and invite him/her to join.
Coin clubs or members wanting additional cards are asked to contact: "ELMER BENSON, NCNA Secretary, PO Box 1884, Burlingame, CA 94010".
Speakers for Coin Clubs
As assistance to northern California coin clubs seeking speakers on numismatic subjects, this Editor will try to serve as a 'clearing-
house’ and ‘contact person! between a coin club and a speaker. This service is not, at this time, an official function of NCNA; rather, a personal helpful aid of this Editor.
Coin clubs seeking speakers are invited to contact this Editor with their requests giving available dates, preference for topics, meeting location, et cetera, and this Editor will try to reply with a name and phone number of a potential speaker. Therefore, the coin club may itself contact, arrange, and confirm directly with the speaker and his topic.
Presently, there is not an extensive listing of speakers, and more
names and interesting topics are needed. Moreover, this service is ee just starting; however, it is this Editor's hope that within a short
period of time it will be an active and official function of NCNA.
NCNA Show and Convention and 1983 Officer Election
As this Seventh Issue goes to the printer, NCNA's 1982 2lst Annual Show and Convention will be ending. This Show and Convention, which is nationally known for its Bourse, is held each September at the Cathedral Hill Hotel in San Francisco.
Due to the September lst deadline for this Seventh Issue, this year's Show and Convention Exhibit winners will be listed and recognized in the Eighth Issue, January, 1983, along with the winners in the Raffle.
Also the 1983 Officer Election results will not be available until after this Issue is printed, so the new 1983 NCNA officers will be reported in the next issue of NCNA Heads and Tales. They will, how- ever, be installed at the upcoming Board of Directors Meeting on Nov- ember 28, 1982.
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Have been receiving bulletins, newsletters, or news releases from these Coin Clubs:
Redwood Empire Coin Club Peninsula Coin Ulub Cupertino Coin Club Pacific Coast Numismatic Society Vallejo Numismatic Society Diablo Numismatic Society Delta Coin Club
Liberty Numismatic Society Gateway Coin Club
San Jose Coin Club Fairfield Voin Club Fremont Coin Club
San Francisco Coin Club Alameda Coin Club
Santa Cruz Coin Club
Redwood Empire Coin Club Had GEORGE FARNSWORTH talking on Investing and Economic Conditions at its July 14th meeting. He reviewed trends not only in numismatics but also in other hobbies and investment opportunities. O.L. WALLIS was the featured speaker at the August llth meeting. He discussed "How To Exhibit" which Mr. WALLIS is a recognized authority at, having won a room full & of exhibit awards. Dr. HOWARD C. LONSDALE traveled up from Vallejo to speak at the September 8th meeting on "English Copper Coins", a specialty of Dr. LONSDALE.
Peninsula Coin Club Will hold its Annual Coin Show this November 14th, unday, : to 5:00PM, at the Hyatt Palo Alto, 4290 El Camino Real, Palo Alto. Those desiring information on this Coin Show, Chat. to: "Peninsula Coin Club, PO Box 11484, Palo Alto, A 94,306".
Cupertino Coin Club Held a joint Picnic with the San Jose Coin Club at Cupertino's Memorial Park on September 12th. Junior Special Show and Tell at the July 9th meeting had MIKE COBERLY presenting "U.S. Bicentennial Coinage" and DAVID SYPNICKI talking on the "1883 Nickel”. At the August 6th meeting, JIM GLOVER spoke on Asian Coinage. The CCC's June 5th meeting was Other Hobby Night. Nineteen members participated: MICHELLE STARR, Glass Paper Weights; BRIAN WINER, Old Bottles; BURNS SEARFOSS, Baseball Cards; CORY ZORKER, Comic Books; GEORGE TYSON, Coin Articles; YVONNE VORBERG, Photographs; AL LO, Hawaiian First Day Covers; WILLIAM HAWKES, Old Postcards; DALE HOLLAND, Large Keys; BOB KEEGAN, City Patches; DARROW CROWE, Fencing; BLANCHE SCHWARTZ, Etchings; BILL SCHWARTZ, Snuff Bottles; RENATE BRUCK, Macrame; BERNADINE GLOVER, Rock Fossils; LYNN GIBBS, Homemade Costumes; TRYY GIBBS, Computer; RALPH KEARNS, Scouting, and DONN FISHER, 27??. The big news Irom S
the CCC is that its 1983 13th Annual Coin Show will be the | Club's first two day show: February 26th and 27th, 1983 at the e Campus Center, DeAnza College, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cuper- tino. Bourse information contact FRANK NIELSEN, and exhibitors write to RAY ERKSON; both can be reached at "PO Box 1189, Cuper- tino, CA 95014".
Pacific Coast Numismatic Society Will celebrate this November 18th its th Meeting. Congratulations! Had an unknown outsider from Vallejo speaking on "The Newfoundland Dollar" at its July 28th meeting. GROVER CAGLE spoke on the "The White Rajah--Sarawak" at the August 25th meeting. The September 29th meeting will be the PCNS! Annual White Elephant Sale with all proceeds going to the Society's Treasury. STEPHEN HUSTON'S authoritative article, "Coinage of the Siege of Landau" was included in the August PCNS Bulletin. LARRY REPPETEAU has become PCNS' new Secretary and Ed- itor, and STEPHEN HUSTON has become a Governor. Sad news has to be reported from the PCNS: the recent deaths of its First Lady and long-time dedicated Editor, Secretary, and supporter, MAXINE BRYCE, on July 9th, and another leading PCNS member, WALTER G. GERTH, on July 17th.
Yalieje Numismatic Soca ety Had a 'Presidential Talk Series' recently:
r. HOWARD C. LONSDALE, 1981 VNS President at the July 7th meeting, and O.L. WALLIS, current 1982 VNS President at the August 4th meeting; both spoke on their collecting interests and careers. LARRY REPPETEAU at the September lst meeting kicked off the two
e part 'Coin Grading Series' by speaking on "Grading of Foreign
Coins", GENE FEIERSTEIN will touchdown the second part of this
Series at the October 7th meeting with "Grading United States Coins", The llth Annual Vallejo Coin Show sponsored by the VNS will be May 1, 1983, 10:30AM to 5:00PM, at Dan Foley Cultural Center, Foley Park, Tuolumne Street, Vallejo. Sad news also came from the VNS as WALTER G. GERTH, VNS Charter Member #5, passed away on July 17th. Mr. GERTH was the VNS! First Vice-President (1954) and Second President (1955).
Diablo Numismatic Societ Had the ANA slide program "United States Copper Coins® at its July 15th meeting. All juniors attending this meeting received free five different Wheat-back cents. The August 19th meeting had ED RODRIQUEZ and DENNIS DANIEL talking about "Cameo Proof Coins". The September 16th meeting was an Open Discussion on ANACS Grading, most intense and provocative topic in our hobby today. Sad news also came from the DNS: its Treasurer, NORMAN GARROP, passed away on September lst. The Diablo Die-Break Editor DENNIS DANIEL reported, "Norman was an import- ant contributing voice in our club. He will be missed by all."
Delta Coin Club At its June 25th Annual Summer Picnic had SID KASS winning e Horseshoe Contest; JEFF JUNDBERG, Egg Toss; JOAN LACKYARD, Penny Guessing, and Mrs. SID KASS, Bean Guessing. KATHY HIRNING, DCC'ts President, showed the slides "Old San Francisco @ Mint" at the July 23th meeting. November 20th and 2lst are the
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dates for the DCC'ts 1982 Coin Show.
Liberty Numismatic Societ Had MARIAN SINTON doing a Quiz from the Red Book at its July 6th meeting. The winners were ERIC BENSON and BILL DAVIS. MARILYN DEAN at the August 3rd meeting gave a program on Wooden Money. JOE WARGO spoke on "'X* Numis Mania" at the September 7th meeting. Just as the LNS Newsletter Editor said, "It should be interesting to find out what the 'X? re- presents", this Editor also wants to know what the 'X! means.
Gateway Coin Club Continues to be active with its semimonthly News- letter and large auctions. WILLARD SCHROEDER, GCC's Vice-Presi- dent, presided at the July lst meeting, and JOHN HOFMANN "pre- pared and provided" the refreshments. The July 15th meeting was the GCC's Annual Picnic at the Lake Yosemite Recreation Area. August 5th meeting was Bingo Night with DAVE HOLYOKE, RICH MESSER, and ARNOLD MARTIN Bingo winners. JERE LEFEZVER talked about the new Washington Commemorative Half Dollar at the September 2nd meeting. GCC has set its 1983 Coin Show for May 14th and 15th, 1983 with RON LUND and BILL JONES as Co-Chairpersons.
San Jose Coin Club Had JIM Glover at its August 18th meeting speaking on "Asian Coinage, Identification, and Authentication". AL LO talked on Hawaiian Coinage at the July 2lst meeting. SJCC news- letter Editor reported, "His protrayal of the coinage of that land was thorough, and yet one of the most entertaining numis- matic presentations your editor has heard in some time". SJCC held, on September 12th with the Cupertino Coin Club at the Memorial e Park in Cupertino a joint Picnic. September 15th meeting was the SJCC's Annual Bourse Night. SJCC had made a donation of numis- matic books to the Santa Clara City Library. JIM GLOVER, SJCC's Curator, is preparing a listing of Santa Clara county tokens.
Those having tokens from Santa Clara county are ask to contact the SJCC and Mr. GLOVER.
Fairfield Coin Club Secretary JAN HENKE received his Washington Com- memorative Half Dollar on Friday, August 13th; who believes in bad luck on Friday the 13th? At its July 28th meeting, a Coin Quiz prepared by FCC's President RON KELICHNER and Vice-Presi- dent NORM NUNES was won by RICHARD JOHNSON, First Place; JAN HENKE, Second Place, and ERNIE DRAKE, Third Place. At the June 23rd meeting, one of California's leading numismatists, OZZIE STOUT, spoke on China, and at the FCC's August 25th meeting some unknown person from Vallejo named MICHAEL S. TURRINI who talked about his tour last October, 1981 of the San Francisco Mint where he watched proof coins being placed carefully into the red insert ee set holders. The FCC at its September 22nd plea held an
ther Hobby Night. The FCC's best program this year will be in October, which this Editor plans to attend, when the Club visits the local Anheuser Busch Brewery where the tour will start and end with the Hospitality Room.
Fremont Coin Club On June 27th had its Annual Picnic at which the SS
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softball game was 11 to 9 and "DON LENDAHL and CAL WILSON are re-
& couperating nicely". At the FCC's annual golf tournament, the winners were: DIANA MILLER, Ladies, and JOHN JURINEK, Men. VINCE LACARIERE spoke at the September 14th meeting on a Suprise Sub- ject, and at the same meeting, there was a Junior Special Ex- hibit. At a recent Something Treasured Exhibit, MARY MITCHELL, KEN BARR, and RON MILLER shared some personal keepsake highly treasured, and FCC President CAL WILSON shared his Boy Scout Coin Collecting Merit Badge. August 15th was the date for the FCC's Annual Coin Show which this Editor planned and scheduled to attend, but marked the wrong Sunday on his calendar!
San Francisco Coin Club Reports its July 27th meeting was Other Hobby ight with T A & RAY OWENS, Postcards and First Day Covers; HANS HANSSON, Steelhead Fishing; DAVID ARIETTA, Collector Cards;
MONA VERZI, Baseball Card Record Book, and O.L. WALLIS, 1982 Mexican Presidential Campaign. ED FULWIDER, ROSE HUNTINGTON, and BARBARA GOODWIN won First, Second, and Third Prize awards re- spectfully for their other hobby displays and talks: ED FULWIDER, Hunting Knives; ROSE HUNTINGTON, Christmas in July, and BARBARA GOODWIN, Penguins. SFPD officers BERNARD L. SHAW and PETER M. LIBERT spoke on "Keeping Your Collections and Home Secure” at the August 24th meeting. SFCC's September 28th meeting will be the annual Junior Numismatists’' Program.
Alameda Coin Club Writes that its Coin Show will be Sunday, October
L, at the Adelphian Club, corner of Central and Walnut &: Streets, Alameda. LARRY BOVO is in charge of both the Bourse and Raffle, and he may be contacted at "PO Box 1746, Alameda, CA 94501".
Santa Cruz Coin Club Reports that its 1983 officers are: ALEX BASTINE, President; KEN MOLICA, Vice-President, DOROTHY SHEPARD, Recording Secretary; RAY BRILES, Treasurer; NORA BRILES, Corresponding Sec- retary, and JAN SMITH, Librarian. The SCCCts 17th Annual Coin Show will be on Sunday, November 7, 1982 at the CPDES Hall, 216 Evergreen, Santa Cruz. Show hours are from 10:00PM to 5:OOPM, and admission is free. The SCCC's 14th Annual Medal, featuring the Santa Cruz Hotel, will be available at the door of the Coin Show for $1.50 or send remittance to RAY BRILES at "PO Box 991, Santa Cruz, CA 95061".
FELL EL EEA TET AF EEA ETH EEA EET LEFF EEEFE EAA EF EEE EFEEELEFEREEFEEEFEF EEE FEFA TERETE EET NUMIA FACTS: Numismatic Knowledge and History "The term 'Mickey Mouse Money' refers to highly inflated, and there- fore worthless, Japenese currency in the occupied Philippine Islands
during World War II".
"The first half dismes were minted in the basement of John Harper, ig a saw maker",
--Reprinted from *Numi-Stats' by Sam Rumph, August, 1982 Diablo Die-Break
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From Page 3:
I am no good at typing. In fact, one could say that my typing teacher, Mrs. Treisman, just passed me.
This will be 1982's final Issue, and with it another year soon ends, and the Holiday Season will again be upon us. It is good that we do have sometime each year reserved for joy and hope. I extend mv most sincere greetings to all NCNA Heads and Tales readers: hay what good and faith that exists during this Holiday Season brighten your lifes today, tomorrow, and always.
Best Wishes and Thanks.
Michael S. Turrini, Editor
NCNA Heads and Tales
PO Box 4104
Vallejo, California 94590-0410
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